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Common Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections and Natural Therapies To Help Remedy Them

· Yeast Infection,Vaginal Health

Common Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections and Natural Therapies To Help Remedy Them

Yeast infections are one of the most common reasons why women experience vaginal odor and foul-smelling discharge.

This, and amongst other symptoms like swelling and itching of the vulva and vagina.

In this article I’m going to help you understand what causes yeast infections, how to prevent them, and name some of the best natural therapies for infection and outbreak relief.

You know my approach is to help you heal naturally and holistically.

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

In women, a vaginal yeast infection is the overgrowth of candida, which is a fungal species found inside your vagina and gut in balance with other microorganisms.

The issue here is balance and maintaining a terrain that favors a healthy vagina.

Yeast infections happen when there is an imbalance within the vaginal flora, creating a shift in the environment that allows for candida overgrowth.

Normally your vagina maintains a pH range between 3.8 to 4.5 that's slightly acidic to prevent the overgrowth of yeast. But, when something happens to disrupt the pH of your vagina it leaves you susceptible to developing a yeast infection.

What does it look like to have a Yeast Infection?

Here are a few signs and symptoms that reveal you are experieincing a yeast infection:

  • Thick, white or yellowish, "cottage-cheese" like discharge
  • Having an unpleasant fishy-odor
  • Vulva and vaginal itching and burning
  • Swollen and tender tissue
  • Pain with urination
  • Pain with intercourse

Symptoms can be worse the week before your period or following your period.

What cause Yeast Infections?

There can be several different underlying reasons as to why you are developing yeast infections. Knowing about, and understanding, the causes of your yeast infections can and will make a world of difference in how you go about treating and preventing future infections.

When it comes to your treatment my goal is to always address the root cause and not just your symptoms.

Keep reading to uncover these causes.

1. Poor Eating Habits

A diet high in sugary, processed foods and soda fuels the growth of yeast and bacteria in the body. This creates an environment where yeast infections are more likely to develop.

2. Elevated Blood Sugar or Diabetes

Recurrent yeast infections are often a first sign of hypergylcemia (high glucose) and diabetes in women.

High blood sugar levels can affect more than just your bloodstream-they can increase sugar levels in bodily fluids like your urine, sweat, saliva, cervical mucus, and vaginal discharge, creating an environment that encourages yeast growth.

Take control of your blood sugar levels naturally with our Herbal Blood Sugar Support supplement. Crafted to help regulate and balance blood sugar for better overall health. Shop now!

3. Frequent Antibiotic Use

Regular use of antibiotics can significantly increase the risk of yeast infections. Broad-spectrum antibiotics eliminate both harmful and beneficial bacteria, disrupting the balance of your oral, gut, and vaginal microbiome.

Are you taking antibiotics? While they target harmful bacteria, they also can disrupt your body's natural balance. That's where prebiotics come in; they help to nourish and grow beneficial bacteria to restore harmony.

Our Prebiotic Support supplement is specially formulate to promote a healthy gut and vaginal microbiome. Support your body naturally.

4. Poor Gut Health

Poor gut health affects your vaginal health too, and is the root cause of many of our health issues. Disruption to the natural balance of your gut microbiota-caused by medications, excessice alcohol intake, environmental toxins, high stress levels, or a diet high in sugar-can make you more vulnerable to yeast infections.

5. Unhealthy Sex Partner(s)

This goes without saying, but engaging in sexual activity with a partner who has poor hygiene or a promiscuous lifestyle can significantly impact your vaginal health.

Additionally, sexual connections that lack alignment or harmony can affect both the physical and energetic well-being of your vagina. Prioritize mutual care and hygiene to supprt your overall health.

6. Wearing Tight Clothing

Your vagina needs air and space to breathe freely. Wearing fabric that isn't breathable creates a warm, humid and moist environment that favors fungal (yeast) overgrowth.

On the other hand, wearing cool fabric like cotton panties protects you from developing yeast infections. Also, sleeping without underwear on some nights, gives your vagina time and space to breath as well.

7. High Estrogen Levels

Elevated estrogen levels can promote yeast overgrowth, increasing the likelihood of your developing a yeast infection. Additionally, high-dose estrogen birth control pills may further raise this risk.

Maintaining hormonal balance is key to preventing these issues.

If you know you have elevated estrogen levels and you're looking to eliminate your excess estrogen naturally-start by supporting your liver.

Your liver plays a key role in balancing hormones and detoxification. Explore over liver(cleansing) support suplements here.

8. Stress and Weakened Immune System

Stress-whether it be environmental, physical, emotional or spiritual-reduces your body's ability to fight off infections, making you more prone to outbreaks. A weakened immune system leaves you vulnerable to developing various infections, including yeast infections.

Prioritizing stress management and immune support is essential for your ovarall health and reducing outbreaks. Build your immune system up by prioritizing sleep, your mental health, quality nutrition and good work-life balance.

Do Yeast Infections go away on their own?

In some cases, yeast infections self resolve, but in my experience, most women require more support and treatment. The key to resolving recurrent infections is to investigate what is making you susceptible to yeast overgrowth in the first place.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection

There are natural remedies that can help alleviate your symptoms and resolve your yeast infections. I listed a few above already when addressing root cause.

Over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs like Monistat and Fluconazole can negatively affect your gut health and stress you immune system even more. Making you susceptible to yeast infection outbreaks in the future.

To add, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, rashes and in some cases, liver toxicity are possible side-effects of these medications.

The popular boric acid suppositories can also be endocrine disruptors, and should be approached with caution and not relied, misused and overused.

1. Prebiotics and Probiotics

Studies have shown that bacteria, lactobacillus, in particular inhibit yeast growth. Your gut microbiome is shared with your vaginal microbiome, which is why dietary practices that support a healthy gut also supports your vagina.

This is why prebiotics and probiotics are important. Prebiotics are actually food for probiotics (healthy bacteria). Check out our all natural Prebiotic Support supplement,

Probiotic foods contain beneficial bacteria that helps with your gut and vaginal health. Pickles, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi. tempeh and miso are all good probiotic-rich foods.

2. Neem Herb

Neem herb is a powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial. Neem has been used successfully for years to treat candida and yeast imbalance in women. Because neem cures infection from the inside out while balancing your immune system, it can be more effective than over-the-counter vaginal creams.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is antimicrobial and has been shown to be an effective topical treatment to yeast overgrowth. Purchase our Feminine Salve that's made with extra-virgin coconut oil.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an antifungal that's useful for treating yeast infections. Be sure to dilute tea tree essential oil in carrier oil like coconut to prevent hurting your delicate tissues.

Purchase our Feminine Salve that's made with tea tree essential oil.

5. Apple cider vinegar baths (or apple cider vinegar in general)

A vinegar bath as an adjunct therapy can help shift the pH to inhibit the growth of yeast. I would not recommend douching with it for a yeast infection.

Douching can push an infection higher into the genital tract and disrupts the important organisms that protect against yeast overgrowth.

6. Mind Your Food and Nutrition

I advise women to avoid excess processed sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol to prevent yeast overgrowth. Your diet largely influences microbial growth in your entire digestive tract, vagina and even your skin.

While sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol should be consumed in moderation, and be apart of a healthy balanced diet -- if you feel you can never eat these foods without experiencing a yeast infection then this warrants further investigation.

7. Heal Your Gut

As I mentioned earlier in the blog article, your gut heath is extremely important. This is why I told you probiotics and prebiotics are successful as a treatment plan, because they support your gut health.

For a comprehensive natural treatment, I recommend women start with my Yeast & BV Health Kit to support gut immunity and inflammation, and to help shift their microbiome to a more favorable state.

I really do hope this article was informative for you, and that it provided you with the resources and tools you need to support your vaginal health.

Be well and Take Care
